FAQ & Support

Common questions that we get asked.

When will my sample arrive?

It typically takes up to 14 days for samples to arrive, but can take longer depending on factors which are sometimes out of our control. Unfortunately we are not able to track deliveries so will not be able to provide anything beyond confirmation that your sample has been shipped.

Why didn’t my request get approved?

There are a number of factors that determine whether or not individual requests get approved and these vary from campaign to campaign. As the process is automated, our team does not have visibility over the exact reasons why an individual request may not have been approved.

How do I find out if my sample has been despatched?

As part of your sampling experience, we will send you a couple of different emails. At the bottom of these emails, there’s a link that you can click to find out if your sample has been despatched or not.

My sample has arrived damaged. Can you send me another?

Postal services estimate that up to 1% of all post is lost or damaged. Unfortunately, as we have fixed quantities of samples for each campaign we’re not usually able to resend samples that have arrived damaged.

I’ve not received my sample. Can you send me another?

Unfortunately sometimes things go missing in the post. As we have fixed quantities of samples for each campaign we’re not usually able to resend samples that have gone missing.

How can I leave feedback about the product I received?

As part of our standard campaign flow, you will be sent an survey asking for feedback on your experience. These usually take less than 2 minutes, but give you a fantastic opportunity to share your thoughts with the brand. Every review is read and all feedback is taken into account.

How do I sign-up for free samples?

We’re not a freebie club, so we don’t offer a service for people to sign-up and be offered samples. If you have seen an offer advertised then you can request a sample via that offer.